Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#15 On Library 2.0

Libary 2.0, an adaption from Web 2.0, is a user-centered, information and resource sharing web. Lots of people may have not realized that we are already a user of Web 2.0 and Library 2.0. This shared network space provides people with alomost everything they do.

With Library 2.0, more and more services are available to users. Users are encouraged for feedback and participation in the library services, such as Ask A Librarian, a two way communication. With Library 2.0, library can save shelf space by providing users with virtual reference. That's why we weeded our reference collection heavily and got rid of some of the "just in case" collection as Rick Anderson mentioned in his article Away from the "icebergs" . "It no longer makes sense to collect information products as if they wre hard to get." As libraries are moving into Web 2.0, our customers will expect access to everything. That places us into a new direction - "it means integrating our services into their daily patterns of work, study and play"(Rick Anderson).

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