Thursday, October 25, 2007

#10 Image Generators

Today I tried Generator Blog and FD Toys, and created two personalised calendars. Both of them are great and gave me lots of fun, but it was very time consuming (hope it is worthwhile). I created November's calendar with Generator Blog. First I went to Calendar Generator, and chose a month, and uploaded a digital photo from my PC, and just clicked on Generate Calendar. It came out very nicely. I saved it on my desktop and uploaded it to my blog. Then I tried FD Toys and created a customized calendar from my digital photgraph. It is very easy. I just followed the intructions they provided for and sent it to Flickr. It is posted publicly. Here is the link to my creation:


Nice Guy said... has 5,000 more image generators and a video (in FAQ) on how to get pics on Blogger.

jinglebell06 said...

Good to know, but didn't have time to explore them.